Oil Lamp
The Ten Bridesmaids

• Proclaim the mystery of the Kingdom of God through the word and images of the parable of the 10 Bridesmaids
• Ponder with the children what it means to be invited to this banquet and in particular to live the special mission of lighting the way for Jesus’ coming. If this is offered during Lent, focus on preparation for Easter.
• Ponder the “Dismissal Prayer” at Mass as a “command” from Jesus to live the grace of Eucharist
• Ponder with the children the connection between the Eucharist and our blank page as a preparation for the Parousia.

Good Shepherd (PreK)

Teacher's Aims:
- To proclaim the parts of the parable of the Good Shepherd emphasizing that Jesus is the Good Shepherd who knows each sheep by name and wants to give them life to the full 
- His sheep follow Him because they recognize His voice
- To prompt the children to consider who are the sheep in this parable

Annunciation 3D

Teacher's Aims:
- To proclaim the story of the Angel Gabriel’s annunciation to Mary that God desires her to become the mother of His Son.
- To lift up the first part of the “Hail Mary” prayer.